
Craftworks brunch – Baekhyeon/Pangyo


Every Sunday from 12-3pm, Craftworks in Pangyo has an all-you-can-eat brunch buffet. Many may be familiar with the Itaewon location, but I’ve always preferred the one in Pangyo. It’s a much more comfortable atmosphere and feels more like a bistro. It’s completely normal to have a chat with the bartender or cooks, no one wears a uniform, and the food is undeniably delicious. In short, it’s a terrific place to stuff yourself full of breakfast food and acceptable-because-it’s brunch adult drinks.


The mainstays are the same every week – breakfast burrito, BLT sandwich, peanut butter muffins, egg scramble, home fries, fresh fruit, unlimited coffee, etc. – but the specials are where this place really shines. This week saw the introduction of cinnamon rolls, which were frankly to die for. The weekend after American Thanksgiving, they served up some leftover inspired hash and chimichangas. Another week saw them serving bacon pancakes with Bailey’s whipped cream.


We also discovered this week that they recently began to serve milkshakes. We tried the Bananas Foster rum variety. It was an excellent addition to the menu – the balance of ingredients needs a little tweaking, but the flavor was great. I look forward to trying the coffee Kahlua version next time.


Craftworks brunch is a gem. There’s always something new to try, and they take reservations right on their Facebook page. Brunch is 15,000 Won per adult, 5,000 per child.


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